Are you concerned about a friend or family member?

Worried about a friend or family member?

Abuse within relationships is about control; it can be perpetrated by any gender and in all kinds of relationships and across all ages. Within relationships it is more commonly perpetrated by men against women, is also seen in same-sex relationships and is increasingly common between generations within families. It also manifests through human trafficking, forced marriage, ‘honour based’ violence and female genital mutilation.

If you know someone who alters their behaviour because they are afraid of how someone else in their life will react, you could be witnessing an abusive relationship. Every perpetrator will use a different method, or combination of methods, to control the other person. This could include physical, financial, sexual, psychological, technological or cultural. An abuser might use one of these methods, or a combination. Importantly, an abuser is unlikely to be abusive all of the time, and is likely to only resort to the behaviour when they have a need to exert control.

Being a witness to an abusive relationship can be frustrating, confusing and upsetting. It is often difficult to understand why there are so many barriers to someone escaping a situation like this. We can help you understand what helpful approaches you can take without compromising your own or the victim’s safety.

At Changing Pathways we support individuals experiencing current domestic abuse only; however, to understand the situation further please access the resources on this site, or contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

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0330 333 7 444

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